Bons' Commission Service

-No using OCs without Permission
-No characters under 18
-No Gore
-No Real People
-No Hateful Iconography
-10% discount if the commission includes one of my OCs
-If you're unsure, just ask

Pixel Art

Gameboy Palette $10

One Star Color & Shade-10$

Color & Shading $15


-Alts: $5
-2 Main Characters Max

-1 Star-
Receive a sprite made with the four-color limitations of the OG gameboy (Your choice of color)

-2 Star
Receive a shaded sprite with more color variety

Traditional Art

Sketch $10

Inked $20

Uncolored Shaded $30


-Alts: $5
-2 Main Characters Max

-1 Star-
Recieve a clean scan of a
pencil & paper sketch

-2 Star
Recieve a clean scan of a B&W Inked piece

-3 Star-
Recieve a clean scan of a shaded B&W piece
(Stippled or Crosshatched)

Digital Art

Monochrome Sketch $10

Flat Color $20

Shaded $30


-Alts: $10
-3 Main Characters Max

-1 Star-
Receive a cleaned up monochrome sketch (Your color choice)

-2 Star
Recieve a clean lined (or lineless) piece with no color limitations

-3 Star-
Receive a Fully shaded and colored piece
(Soft or Cell)


Flat Rate-1¢ per word

Flat Rate-1¢ per word

Flat Rate-1¢ per word


PDF Format

-1 Star-
Receive a Written story between Two and three Thousand words

-2 Star-
Receive a Written story between Four and Five Thousand words

-3 Star-
Receive a Written story over Five Thousand words

Image Sequence

2-3 Image Sequence $45

One Star Color & Shade-10$

4-6 Image Sequence $55


-Alts: $20
-3 Main Characters Max

-1 Bar-
Receive a fully shaded Sequence of Two to three images with a simplistic background

-2 Bar-
Receive a fully shaded Sequence of Four to Six images with a simplistic background

Reference Material

1-2 Pose Reference Sheet $45

1-2 Pose Character Concept* $55


-Alts: $20
-3 Main Characters Max

-1 Bar-
Receive a fully shaded Reference containing up to 2 poses, and any information relevant to the character

-2 Bar-
Give me as much information as possible for your idea for a character. In return, you receive a Reference sheet with up to 2 poses and all relevant information.

3D Modeling

Turntable $60

Diorama $70

Recreational Model


-1 Bar-
Receive a fully modeled and posed humanoid on a spinning turntable

-2 Bar-
Receive a fully modeled and pose Scenario as a rotating Diorama

-3 Bar-
Recieve a model for your recreational use. Price varies greatly depending on complexity
$20 Base price for general items(Ex: Coffee cup, table, chair)
$60 Base price for a fully modeled Humanoid.

Terms of Service

-I retain the right to terminate a commission and provide a 50% refund, given proper reason.
EX: Dickish behavior, lack of response (around a month)
-Price is agreed upon before any work is made, a 10-15% down payment is required for all major jobs (Image Sequences,Large Writing projects (5 thousand words and above), Character Concept References, any and all 3D modeling). The rest of the payment is made after the final Piece has been made.-Give a detailed description of what you'd like. (5 Sentences Minimum) AND reference photos if possible.-Payment will be made via Paypal Invoice after the second smoothed out sketch is presented.-All major edits must be made before the half way point (I will make this point known far in advance). Smaller edits are fine if they happen past that point.-Work in Progress images will be provided throughout each major leap in progress (1st Rough Sketch, 2nd Smoothed Sketch, Lineart, Color Blocking, Shading). [A Google Doc link or PDF file will be shared if the commission is written.]-Finished work will be posted to my Subscribestar, please let me know if you want to remain anonymous.-Regarding 3D Modeling. You are only given a .model file with the 'Three Bar' option (Custom Model). Otherwise, you are free to ask for as many different images/Turntable rotations of any 3D Model work. this does not expire.-3D Models may not be fully posable, treat them more like a statue or figurine rather than a fully posable action figure.-Reguarding Character Concept. Please give as much information as possible, the more details means I can get more specific with your characters eventual design.-An Non-watermarked version for your eyes only will be given once the piece is complete, please don't share it around.If you plan to post these images to a different site (Twitter or something) Please credit me as the artist/writer.-Above all, if you retain anything from this,please remain patient, Art is not my full time job and I often have other things at hand that take priority